Warranty Service


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For first-time visitors

How to Place an Order: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Add the product to your shopping cart

  1. Browse our products and select the ones you want.
  2. Choose the desired options (color, size, quantity) and click the “Add to Cart” button.
  3. Review your cart by clicking the cart icon. You can adjust the quantity or color of the items before proceeding.

Step 2: Review Your Cart

  1. In your cart, you can:
    • Update quantities by clicking “Update”
    • Remove items by clicking “Delete”
  2. If you’re ready to continue, click “Proceed to Checkout”.
    • If you’d like to shop for more items, click “Continue Shopping”.

Step 3: Enter shipping address

  • If you're a registered member:
    • Log in with your ID and password to auto-fill your shipping details.
    • Note: Members can redeem points and enjoy other benefits.
  • If you're a non-member:
    • Enter your shipping information manually.
  • Tell us about your archery experience. This helps us ensure safety and suitability for your products. Based on your response, we may contact you for further details.
  • If you're sending a gift or have specific instructions (e.g., no delivery note), please leave a message.
  • Provide your preferred delivery date (optional).

[Those who have registered as members: Members]

Please enter your ID and password, then click "Login" to proceed.

*If you are a member, you can log in to automatically display the information you set, such as your shipping address, which is very convenient.
If you are a member and make a purchase without logging in, you will not receive services such as point redemption. Please be sure to log in if you wish to receive these services.

[All customers]

  • Regarding your archery experience:
    In order to prevent accidents associated with the use of archery equipment, we may cancel the shipment of your product based on your response.
  • If you have a preferred arrival date, please let us know

Step 4: Select payment and shipping method

  • Select your preferred payment method (Credit Card, PayPal, Bank Transfer, etc.).
    • Payments are processed in advance unless using deferred payment (Paydy).
  • Choose your preferred shipping method (standard or expedited).
    • Note: Shipping charges are separate from the product price, and ONLINE points cannot be used to cover shipping.

Step 5: Review and Confirm Your Order

  • Double-check your order details, including:
    • Items, quantity, total price, and shipping costs
    • Delivery address and payment method
  • Click “Confirm Order” to finalize.

Step 6: Order completion

  • After confirming, you'll receive an Order Number. Keep it for future reference.
  • You’ll receive an email titled “[AMEARCHERY] Thank you for your order” once your order is successfully placed.
    • If you don’t receive this email, contact us with your order date, name, and product details.

*Cancellation is not possible after receiving this email.

More details: FAQs for first-time users