For first-time visitors
How to Place an Order: A Step-by-Step Guide
Step 1: Add the product to your shopping cart
- Browse our products and select the ones you want.
- Choose the desired options (color, size, quantity) and click the “Add to Cart” button.
- Review your cart by clicking the cart icon. You can adjust the quantity or color of the items before proceeding.
Step 2: Review Your Cart
- In your cart, you can:
- Update quantities by clicking “Update”
- Remove items by clicking “Delete”
- If you’re ready to continue, click “Proceed to Checkout”.
- If you’d like to shop for more items, click “Continue Shopping”.
Step 3: Enter shipping address
- If you're a registered member:
- Log in with your ID and password to auto-fill your shipping details.
- Note: Members can redeem points and enjoy other benefits.
- If you're a non-member:
- Enter your shipping information manually.
- Tell us about your archery experience. This helps us ensure safety and suitability for your products. Based on your response, we may contact you for further details.
- If you're sending a gift or have specific instructions (e.g., no delivery note), please leave a message.
- Provide your preferred delivery date (optional).
[Those who have registered as members: Members]
Please enter your ID and password, then click "Login" to proceed.
*If you are a member, you can log in to automatically display the information you set, such as your shipping address, which is very convenient.
If you are a member and make a purchase without logging in, you will not receive services such as point redemption. Please be sure to log in if you wish to receive these services.
[All customers]
- Regarding your archery experience:
In order to prevent accidents associated with the use of archery equipment, we may cancel the shipment of your product based on your response. - If you have a preferred arrival date, please let us know
Step 4: Select payment and shipping method
- Select your preferred payment method (Credit Card, PayPal, Bank Transfer, etc.).
- Payments are processed in advance unless using deferred payment (Paydy).
- Choose your preferred shipping method (standard or expedited).
- Note: Shipping charges are separate from the product price, and ONLINE points cannot be used to cover shipping.
Step 5: Review and Confirm Your Order
- Double-check your order details, including:
- Items, quantity, total price, and shipping costs
- Delivery address and payment method
- Click “Confirm Order” to finalize.
- Double-check your order details, including: